Sunday, January 19, 2014

Looking Forward to 2014

As I am sitting home with a bad cold, reflecting on the past few weeks of the new year, I haven't failed to notice that bad luck has seemed to be following me around.

I have just started my 4th semester of college with some difficult courses. I was planning on taking 5 classes, but had to drop one because I couldn't afford it with textbook costs. I am currently taking Survey of Accounting II, Interpersonal & Small Group Communication, Intro to Microbiology, and Business Calculus. Everyone I've talked to about them has said things like: "You are crazy!", "Those are hard!", and "That is a big load!" But honestly, I love to learn and the classes have all been great so far! :D Better yet, after this semester, I will finally have my Associates degree out of the way and I can move on to getting my Bachelors in Accounting! :)

The first week and a half at school we got lots of snow, and if you know anything about Northern Utah weather, it's not fun- especially when you're driving and when you're walking (or should I say slipping and sliding) all around the campus sidewalks. I like a little snow but I do get sick of a lot of snow. However, one of my favorite things to do after a big snowstorm is walk down the main sidewalks on campus where everything is beautifully draped in white! I wish I could find a great picture of it! It is the neatest thing!

The second day of school (perfect timing don't you think?), I went to go start my car when I soon found out that it had a dead battery. I had to wait (wrapped in a couple blankets) for my dad to come save me in the school parking lot. One day and almost $400 later, (for a new battery and a fix on the power steering) I thankfully had my car back. This probably wouldn't bother someone else, except that I just had a few other parts replaced and paid for registration/insurance less than 2 months ago. I've probably spent close to $800-1000 on my car since November.

So here I sit - with a cold I've had for a week, trying to stay caught up on school and work, surviving the snow, almost completely broke.  But, honestly this has probably been the happiest I've been in a while!

This January, I have noticed how grateful I am for so many things! (I know-probably weird to hear when it's not even close to Thanksgiving! haha)
-I am thankful that I can go to school to get a great education and continue learning lots of new, cool and interesting things and decide what kind of career I want.
-I am grateful for a car that works (for now haha) with heat and drives great in the snow!
-I am grateful for a great job, working with great people that will work around my schedule and help me whenever I need it.
-I am thankful for great friends that are always looking out for me and making me happier each day! True, I can't really go somewhere and spend a lot of money with them, but you don't need money to have a good time!
-I am thankful for a loving and supportive family that are always there when I need them! My parents were able to drive me from place to place when I was without a car and have helped me financially with repairs. They have also supported me in all the choices I've made, especially these past couple years after graduating high school.
-I am thankful for the Gospel in my life. Without it, I would not be improving and always trying to become a better person. My Institute class, church classes, callings, and activities help keep me sane and take my mind off complicated school work and other difficult things in my life.

I recently read something that said this time of year is 'the most depressing time of the year'. But just because society says it is, doesn't mean you need to make it that way! Eleanor Roosevelt said: "No one (or thing) can make you feel inferior without your consent." Here's hoping that the start of a new year will bring happiness and excitement to what's ahead in 2014! :D

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