Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Head and the Heart

So as I said, I will definitely be writing a lot about music. Music is an important thing in my life. I took piano lessons for 10 years and I have played the organ for church for the last 4 years or so. Very rarely, (and I mean rarely-maybe once in every 6 months) will I go without music while I'm driving. I think that if my radio were to break, I would go crazy! I am in love with Spotify and have a giant 1,100 (more or less) random song playlist that I am constantly updating. I listen to it while I am picking out my clothes for the day, while I am fixing my hair, when it's quiet at work, or when I'm browsing Facebook and Pinterest. I am one of those people who probably wishes that life had its own background music. (As long as it was playing something I really liked, and wasn't overplayed. ;) )

Getting back on track here...I would now like to introduce a group that I found a while ago. Introducing...The Head and the Heart!

Yeah I know, you probably haven't heard of them. Not very many people have. Sometimes I feel like I am the one designated to make them more popular. They are a small group from Seattle and sing folk, indie rock type of songs.
I found out about them when I was flipping through channels one night. I stopped on BYUtv for a minute to see if this band sounded any good, and I finished watching the rest of the episode! I really liked how unique they were! I checked out their CD at the library, and I loved it! (You can check out the episode here:
Since they are pretty different, there might not be very many people that say they really like them. But I definitely think they sound better than some of the other groups you hear on the radio now! They remind me a little of 'Of Monsters and Men' or 'The Lumineers'. I got their first CD for Christmas. They released a second CD earlier this year, but I haven't listened to much of the songs. I haven't decided if I like it yet. If you are looking for some music that's a little different from what you usually listen to, I suggest listening to some of their stuff! Starting in January, I will post a whole bunch of their songs on my playlist, so check it out!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Here Goes Nothing...

Well... I finally gave in... I created my own blog! No idea how it's going to turn out, but I am super excited about it! I have been back and forth with myself about whether or not I should do it because I do not feel creative enough and writing hasn't ever been super great for me. But, here goes nothing...

You know those days when you've had the greatest experience, or found the coolest thing, or found a  funny joke, or have a favorite song that you just want to share to the whole world? And it is just building up inside of you until you have to let it out somehow? That's kinda what writing does for me. It is just a way to relieve some of that pressure trying to get it's way out of my cluttered brain. So those are the kinds of things I will be sharing on this blog.

Feel free to follow me if you'd like.  :) I am a little scared about this whole experience because people will probably start to realize how weird I actually am, and again- I kinda stink at writing. I guess you could say I am "that bird"- going out on a limb...