Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Pinocchio Will Never Be the Same...

Today, I just had a fun memory of something my younger brother had said as a little kid. You know how kids say the darndest things... In my family we have many memories like this one, of hilarious things that my siblings and I have said when we were little.

But of all the funny things we laughed about over and over again, one of my favorites has to be the time when my brother was singing along to Pinocchio. We were listening to him hum and sing the words to the song "There Are No Strings on Me" but instead of these words from the chorus, it came out: "THE RHINO STINKS ON ME!"

Just a small fun memory... but I bet you will never listen to that song the same way AGAIN! I know that I sure haven't.... ;) 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Bucket Listing - Summer Ideas

Not too long ago, I had to explain to someone what a 'bucket list' was... I won't name names ;) but I was shocked that they had never heard of it before! I thought bucket lists were pretty stupid for the longest time (who has the time and money to do any of these things anyway) but when I was introduced to Pinterest, bucket lists suddenly became exciting to me! Sure, there is no way I can possibly get them all done (and most of them are just for laughs) but I thought that writing a few down somewhere I'll remember (and what better place than a blog?) will remind me of some of the fun stuff I could be doing this summer! Some of these could be helpful in planning activities for my YSA FHE group too ;)

1. Sit on a rooftop.
2. Water balloon slip n slide.
3. Go on a road trip with friends.
4. Put together a family cookbook.
5. Volunteer at an animal shelter.
6. Stargaze on a roof.
7. Order dessert first at a restaurant.
8. Stand in 4 states at one time.
9. Be part of a flash mob.
10. Witness a wedding proposal.
(CHECK!) 11. See my favorite band live.... See ANOTHER favorite band live!
12. Play hide and seek in a foam pit.
13. Have a huge water balloon fight.
14. Go white water rafting.
15. Let go of a floating lantern.
16. Go on a date to the zoo.
17. Learn how to tie a tie.
(CHECK!) 18. Go on a camping trip with all of my friends. (all of my ward friends)